Affiliate Disclaimer

Mother Roots Boutique Affiliate Disclosure
(Complete Transparency!)

I want to start off by stating that here at Mother Roots Boutique, we pride ourselves on only associating with trusted brands. We do not want quantity we want quality! If we wouldn't use it for our family and loved one, we don't associate with it!

With that being said, the following statements are required by law.

In compliance and according with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, please assume the following about all links, posts, photos and other material on this website:

Any/all of the associated links on this website are affiliate links of which we (Mother Roots Boutique) receives a small commission from sales acquired on certain items. Links will be associated with Mountain Rose Herbs. 

What is an Affiliate Link?

Many (but not all) of the links on are affiliate links. This means that a special tracking code is used in which I may make a small commission on the sale of an item if you purchase through one of these links. The price of the item is the same for you whether it is an affiliate link or not, and using affiliate links helps me to operate this website, maintain it's wholesomeness and support my family.

When Do I Use Affiliate Links?

Whenever I personally have used and recommend for my audience to assist with let's say an ingredient in a recipe or product that I have found useful. If I won't use it for myself, I certainly wouldn't recommend it for anyone else!

My goal is to help as many people as I can with the resources I have! Not to earn money. ( even though that is a nice bonus if it so happens)! Usually the commissions I would earn from the associated link is just a few dollars but every little bit helps, for sure! 

So if you contribute, I am deeply appreciative of that gesture! 

Thank you!

Kind Regards,
